New! Watch “Ink Insights” with Antonio Meza

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I love it when creatives come together to share their talents and insights with one another and help each other grow.

It’s one of my favorite things about our monthly Simplest Marketing Plan live Office Hours sessions.

Antonio Meza, a visual storyteller and SMP member, has been creating sketches during our sessions as a form of note-taking - and each month, he shares them with the group.

I just love them!

Watch him walk us through his cartoon version of our last session on Strategic Networking - and glean a few of the tips he learned:

June was our last month talking about the 2nd tool in the Simplest Marketing Plan: Strategic Networking.

Now we’re switching our focus to the 3rd tool: Targeted Outreach.

Want to join in?

Pick up a copy of the Simplest Marketing Plan for 2023 and you can join us at our next live Office Hours session - and every month for the rest of the year - right here.

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