Photographed by Thomas | © 2016 TK Photography | www.tkphotographychicago.com
By Lidia Varesco Racoma of Lidia Varesco Design
Finding new business as a new (or even not-so-new) mom is not easy. Between dealing with sleep deprivation, working shorter hours, and having less time for industry and networking events, your marketing can easily get pushed aside.
Here are 6 tips for what has worked for me as I’ve juggled work and family:
- Search online job marketplaces: In addition to typical job marketplaces, several new ones have cropped up that cater specifically to working moms and flexible work arrangements. I’ve complied a list here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/biz-mama/biz-mama-resources-online-job-marketplaces/843278739110305
- Pick one great trade show to attend each year: Make sure your prospects will be attending so you can maximize your time and marketing dollars.
- Post your portfolio online: I’ve had several clients who found me after seeing my work on a portfolio site. TIP: Update your work and experience regularly.
- Try cold emailing: This is one of my favorite ways to find new clients (and you can even do it with a baby on your lap!) Write yourself a great script and reach out to a few new prospects a week. Don’t forget to follow up.
- Hire child care: Take it from me, working at home and caring for a child simultaneously is near impossible! If you can’t afford daily child care, book a sitter for a few days a week. Many daycares also offer flexible or drop-in hours. Or ask a fellow working mom to trade babysitting hours.
- Find a kid-friendly working space: Here in Chicago, there are several play spaces that offer the opportunity for a mom to get work done while the kiddos are occupied.
For 8 more tips, read more on the Creative Freelancer Blog.
I always love to meet and brainstorm with fellow moms in business—both in-person and virtually. Join my Biz Mama Facebook community to share your story, find useful resources and network. Interviews and online networking opportunities are posted weekly: https://www.facebook.com/bizmamas