Marketing Mentor Blog

The Marketing Mix

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How to start a marketing newsletter (plus a few excellent examples)

How to start a marketing newsletter (plus a few...

If you know you should have a marketing newsletter but don't know where to start, this one's for you! A marketing newsletter is the most effective content marketing you can do as...

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How to scuff up your content with Gigi Rosenberg

How to scuff up your content with Gigi Rosenberg

If perfectionism is getting in your way, this episode of the Marketing Mentor Podcast is for you. Public speaking coach, Gigi Rosenberg, shares ideas about how to leave perfectionism behind...

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Does Your Content Sound Like You?

Does Your Content Sound Like You?

One of the best ways to attract high-quality clients is to create content that speaks to their needs, in language they understand. That can mean adopting certain industry terms you...

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How to be "you" in your content marketing

How to be "you" in your content marketing

Episode #505 of the Marketing Mentor Podcast is a sneak peek into the monthly “Office Party” for the Simplest Marketing Plan, where I shared a new definition of content marketing and...

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Content Marketing about Mothers

The Mother of All Content Marketing

Eleven business owners use moms to inspire content marketing blog posts. Ilise Benun, the Marketing Mentor, challenged members of the Simplest Marketing Plan program to get creative with their marketing.

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marketing strategies for creative professionals

Ilise Benun's Content Marketing Strategies for ...

Elevate your brand with effective content marketing strategies for self-marketing, authority, and credibility. Read about Ilise Benun's Simplest Marketing Plan as she shares her secrets on the Businessology podcast show. Explore more on...

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How will AI affect your LinkedIn Newsletter? with Michael Katz

How will AI affect your LinkedIn Newsletter? wi...

How will AI affect your email newsletter? That's just one of the questions we answered in Episode #495 of the Marketing Mentor Podcast with Michael Katz. We talked about which skills creative...

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Blog post
Linkedin post ideas

Borrow These Easy LinkedIn Post Ideas

You can do a lot on LinkedIn without ever posting anything. But once you’ve got commenting under your belt, it’s time to take your LinkedIn game up a notch… By...

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Should you clean your email list?

Should you clean your email list?

I've always said you never know, so why would you take people off your email list? Out of sight, out of mind is hard at work these days so if...

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How promotional is too promotional?

How promotional is too promotional?

In this short solo podcast episode #465, I ask (and answer) the question: "How promotional is too promotional -- especially when it comes to content marketing?

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The Hidden Purpose of Content Marketing

The Hidden Purpose of Content Marketing

The hidden reason you should be doing content marketing isn't what you think. It's much simpler. And understanding it will make your content both more impactful and easier to create.

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Blog post
Why would anyone want your content?

Why would anyone want your content?

Why would anyone want your content? And what’s the difference between your content marketing and your marketing content? Those are just a few of the questions I answered in my...

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Blog post
The Night Before Site Launch (by Robert Lodi, the web guy)

The Night Before Site Launch (by Robert Lodi, t...

Did you know content marketing could be a poem? Yup, it can. So for a little holiday cheer, I am reading aloud "Twas the Night Before Site Launch," a really...

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Blog post
How to Bring Yourself into Your Content Marketing with Ann Handley

How to Bring Yourself into Your Content Marketi...

If you struggle with your own content marketing, you'll love Episode #461 of the Marketing Mentor Podcast with Ann Handley, author of the best-selling book, Everybody Writes, totally revamped for it's 2nd...

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Blog post
What's the easiest content marketing to do?

What's the easiest content marketing to do?

The best way to get started with content marketing -- and one of the most effective marketing tools, according to my Simplest Marketing Plan 4.0 -- is an expert roundup. Check...

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Blog post

How to attract "qualified" clients with content...

Podcast #406 Is a chat with Melanie “the Marketer” Deardorff about the technique I use (and teach) to attract your ideal clients with content marketing so you can stop wasting time...

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Blog post
Should You Really Forget Funnels? A chat with Lisa Mullis

Should You Really Forget Funnels? A chat with L...

Podcast #400 is a meaty conversation with one of my favorite guests, Lisa Mullis of Paraphrase Communications. You see, I’ve been ranting lately about the "automation bandwagon" that so many...

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[Podcast] #388 Should you still be blogging? I ...

I know it’s all coronavirus all the time these days in the media but this podcast episode is not about that. However, I will say this: if your business or...

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[Podcast] How to Succeed by Connecting with Con...

Connecting with content is about making genuine connections. How to do that is what Sandler Training wanted to know more about. So, I spoke with Mike Montague about how to...

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Blog post

Best Email Newsletters = Less "News" and More "...

Last week at the AWAI Bootcamp, I had a bit of a revelation during Ann Handley's Opening Keynote.  She said something I wish I had thought of!   So I...

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Blog post

Content Marketing on Steroids

At HOW Marketing Live today, I am giving a brand new presentation about the "best" marketing strategy for creative professionals. It's called, "How To Reach Your Dream Clients With Content Marketing,"...

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Blog post

[New] 3 Simple Strategies for Content Marketing...

Most creative professionals I talk to have no problem with the idea that they need to promote themselves. The big obstacle is figuring out what their content should be -- that stops...

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Blog post

It’s not too late to say “Happy New...

Yesterday I got this Happy New Year postcard from Elements Design wishing me a year of growth and success. On Friday, I got this “new year” email message about 2017 trends from one...

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Blog post

Should your website have pop-ups?

We’ve arrived at Step #6 (as defined in my free report): Choose your Call to Action. When it comes to CTAs, the goal is simplicity. Here’s why… Have you ever...

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Revolve Podcast #2: Qualifying Your Prospects w...

Podcast interview with Revolve speaker, Ahava Leibtag of Aha Media For this 2nd episode in my special Revolve Conference series on the, I welcome Ahava Leibtag, owner of Aha Media Group, a content...

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Blog post

How not to stalk your best prospects

Photo courtesy Shutterstock (Image ID:226765558) I just gave a brand new presentation for Digital Olympus, a free online event. (You can download the PPT at and/or watch the video here and all...

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Blog post

Using LinkedIn Pulse as Your Blog — Conte...

I wrote last month about “finding your people” and to do that, you have to go where they go, to be where they are. Online that’s likely to be on LinkedIn, essentially...

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