Let's talk about feast or famine.
It's what almost everyone I work with is trying to avoid or overcome.
But what is the opposite of feast or famine anyway?
If feast or famine is a roller coaster, would you prefer a non-stop stream of busy? That doesn't seem ideal to me.
Maybe we can aim for something like this:
A pipeline that's never empty...
...a marketing strategy you can dial up or down when you decide to...
..with breaks when you can actually relax without panicking.
That's the position I like to be in -- don't you?
The point is, there's not a lot we can control. But you can (and should) have more control over your workflow. You can choose who to say yes (and no) to. (Otherwise, you might as well get a j-o-b, right?)
This is not unreasonable, especially after a year in which so much has been out of our control.
Of course, I think the answer lies in The Simplest Marketing Plan. If you use it consistently over time,
I know it will get you there. I've seen it with my own eyes!
Watch this video (or above) to see how it works.
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