
New Course: Potential Clients on Tap with AI


Money-Back Guarantee Through July 31, 2024

No questions asked.


What You Get When You Buy Now…


Potential Clients on Tap with AI LIVE Summer Course

4 Hands-on Live Workshops with Ilise


Workshop 1. Define what you want

Workshop 2. Discover who you want to help

Workshop 3. Locate your first 10 ideal clients

Workshop 4. What to say and how to connect with potential clients

Digital Workbook

Ilise Benun's 3 Best AI Tools to Find Clients

Ilise Benun's Best Prompts to Find Clients

Ideal Client Criteria Worksheet

"Is This Industry Viable?" Worksheet

“Get Ready for AI” in 4 Steps

Curated podcasts and articles on what you need to know about AI to find clients

All About You Self-Discovery Questionnaire

"What's Unique About You?" 3-Question Survey for Your Network


Unlimited Access to all Live Workshop Replays


AI + EI Intensive Workshop Replays (3 hours with AI Expert and Copywriter Nick Usborne)


Prompt Engineering Q&A Session


Ilise Benun’s AI-Powered 4-Step Outreach Campaign


6 Start Reaching Out Sessions


Simplest Marketing Plan 2024


Live Q3 Special Onboarding Session for the Simplest Marketing Plan


Office Hours Monthly Sessions with Networking

Money-Back Guarantee Through July 31, 2024
No questions asked

AI can transform how you market yourself, starting now.

When you know how to use it right, AI can help you get unstuck, find clients that are a great fit for you, and grow your business.

You’ll never wonder again, “Where are all the good clients?”

BUY NOW, $199
  • "In seconds I had a list of 10 construction industry associations I can approach in search of potential clients. Thanks Ilise!!!"

    — Daniel Stenabaugh, Content writer for Construction Industry companies —

  • "I just spent less than 10 minutes to generate 100 businesses that are in my target niche and region."

    — Georgiana Dearing, Strategic Marketing for CPG Brands —

  • "I've been working on refining my niche and was impressed with the lists of all the platforms generated... I now have a list of 100+ organizations to start pursuing... Thanks for the tip, Ilise!"

    — Marigold Groot, Copywriter & Content Creator —

Money-Back Guarantee Through July 31, 2024
No questions asked

Generate A New List Of Potential Clients Whenever You Want Using AI

Clients who value your creativity, quality, and humanness are out there… and they’re not all taken.

Knowing how and where to find them starts with you.

That’s why my new Potential Clients on Tap with AI course starts with a 4-week series of guided exercises using AI to help you get clarity on what you do and who you want to work with.

These will push you to dig deep into your values and help you see yourself and what you do in a new light, ultimately leading you to bigger and better clients.

Then, starting on July 10, we’ll meet up for 4 live hands-on workshop sessions stretched out over the summer to refine, identify, and locate your ideal clients.

Money-Back Guarantee Through July 31, 2024
No questions asked

Next Steps in Landing Your Ideal Clients & Projects

Locating new and better clients anytime you want gives you the power to transform your business, earn steadier income, and work on projects you love…

But only when you actually reach out to the people you find.

Which is why I’m giving you 6 of my new “Start Reaching Out” sessions. That’s where we’ll carve out the time and space for you to get your outreach done in a supportive environment.

Join fellow creatives live to do your outreach, learn as you go, celebrate your successes, and ask questions.

Money-Back Guarantee Through July 31, 2024
No questions asked

What We’ll Cover in Our Live 90-Minute Hands-On Workshop Sessions:

July 10 at Noon-1:30 PM ET

Workshop 1: Define what you want. Finding your best potential clients starts with identifying what you care about and articulating what you want. These personal details will fuel your AI-infused search.

July 31 at Noon-1:30 PM ET

Workshop 2: Discover who you want to help. During this session we will focus on finding those who will value you and your unique qualities. Together we will make a list of criteria which you will use both for finding and evaluating your best potential clients in Workshop 3.

August 21 at Noon-1:30 PM ET

Workshop 3: Locate your first 10 ideal clients. Now comes the exciting part. Using my all-new prompts and AI process, you’ll generate a fresh list of potential clients - and learn how to find more whenever you need them.

September 11 at Noon-1:30 PM ET

Workshop 4: What to say and how to connect with potential clients. Using the power of AI, we’ll uncover your best clients’ paint points without having to call or interview anyone. These insights will allow you to personalize your messages and get a conversation going.

Marketing Works When You Do It! Look At These Outreach Successes…

Try it out and see how AI can transform your marketing and help you build a business you can depend on.

But if my methods don’t help you find better clients fast, or it’s not for you, there’s no need to worry. Just let me know by July 31 and I’ll issue you a full refund – no questions asked.

So please be my guest and give it a try at no risk.

Don’t get stuck wondering where all the best clients are hiding. Let me show you my methods for using AI to locate the best clients for you - so you can level up your business and your income this summer.

Money-Back Guarantee Through July 31, 2024
No questions asked