What are you capable of this year?
Whatever just popped into your mind, I want you to forget it.
Because the truth is:
You have no idea what your potential is.
You have no idea how far you can take your business…
How far you can take yourself…
Or what you will get the opportunity to do this year.
That’s something my coach told me years ago, and it was life-changing.
Because we tend to limit ourselves, focusing on what we don’t have or don’t know.
To that I say: “Who cares” what you don’t have?
To create growth in your business and in yourself, focus on what you DO have, not on what’s missing.
I’ll bet you already have:
Your network. Even if it’s filled with people from your “past life” or previous career. You never know where your connections can lead. Check in with them often.
Your experience. Whether you’ve been running your own business for decades, or you just started this month… you have experiences to pull from that are relevant to what you’re doing now, or to the direction in which you’d like to grow.
Your Unique Perspective. You have a way of seeing the world that no one else does, shaped by your past projects, life experiences, and personal style. You don’t have to fabricate a “differentiator.” Your perspective is what makes your work stand out and why clients choose you. Lean into it—it’s one of your most valuable assets.
Your Body of Work. Whether you have a polished portfolio or a folder of “hidden gems,” your past projects showcase your capabilities. Even incomplete or personal work can be reframed to attract the clients you want now. Use it strategically to tell a story about what you can do.
Your Curiosity and Problem-Solving Skills. Your curiosity drives you to learn, adapt, and come up with creative solutions. Don’t forget to lean on it when you’re looking for your next client.
What are some other positive things can you focus on in your business this year? Share here on LinkedIn!