How to present as your most natural self

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Did you know...

  • When you return something at a store, you are presenting.
  • When you run into someone in the hallway and ask a question that's been on your mind, you're presenting.
  • When you share with your team what you learned at a conference (such as HOW Design Live), you're presenting.
  • When you participate in a Zoom call (like the Office Hours sessions that come as a perk with my Simplest Marketing Plan -- it's still on sale through the end of January!), you're presenting.
  • When you pitch a prospect you really want to work with, you're presenting.
  • When you present a proposal on the phone (because you are much more likely to get the project than if you send it via email), you're presenting.

And, of course, when you stand on a stage, to give a talk, you're presenting.

Whether you know it or not, whether you like it or not, whether you want to or not, we are all presenting and we need to do it well. 

For this new decade, speaking and presenting will be an essential skill to learn and master if you are going to set yourself apart from your competition. 

That's why I'm so excited about public speaking coach, Gigi Rosenberg's session for Master Your Message (I got a sneak peek). In it, she and host, Lisa Mullis, share so many practical tips, tiny details that make a big difference, to how you show up authentically, including:

  • How to stand when you present (are you a great stander?)
  • What to memorize (and what not to memorize)
  • Tips for presenting online (i.e. video calls, webinars, group meetings) so you come across as the expert you really are
  • What to wear, where to look and what not to have in the background when you're on a video call
  • How to craft an elevator pitch that works (no matter what mood you're in)
  • Where stories fit in, when to tell a story and where to begin your story
  • And of course, how to connect with your audience, of 1 or 1000


Gigi is one of 25+ experts (including me) from 9 different countries across 5 continents and collectively we combine more than 300 years of experience in marketing & entrepreneurship. This is high quality content if I ever saw it! And so well organized!

And it's especially for entrepreneurs in transition—either out of corporate or making a big change in their business, whether that be what you’re doing or how you’re doing it. 

So if you haven't already, it's not too late to sign up -- the fun starts on Monday, January 20 and goes throughout the week, with plenty of replays so you get time to watch.

And if you get the VIP lifetime access pass for $59, all sale proceeds will be donated to FINCA International, a non profit that supports entrepreneurship and financial inclusion for underserved populations around the world.

Hope to see you there!

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