Is WordPress just for bloggers?

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It’s just for bloggers.

It’s not for selling stuff.

It’s less secure.

These are common misconceptions I hear about WordPress, and in my latest post, I clear them up.

Here’s an excerpt:

  • It’s just for bloggers. WordPress is a Content Management System that helps to manage ANY type of content. Yes, it makes a wonderful blogging platform because it’s so easy to add content, and it has a built-in section for “posts,” but it’s not just for putting out your thoughts on a blog. It also has a whole, built-in section for “pages.” You never have to use the blog function if you don’t want to. But it’s available if you ever decide to add blogging into your marketing efforts. Websites are about sharing information—whether it’s services, info about your business, testimonials or images—and about helping clients engage and interact with you. WordPress helps you do all of this. WordPress is not just for bloggers—it’s for everyone!

See the rest in my latest blog post:
5 Common WordPress Misconceptions


Hi, I’m Jill, a web designer/developer who partners with talented designers, copywriters, and agencies on their websites, and their client’s sites. I’m passionate about crafting beautiful and innovative WordPress websites focused on clear positioning and positive user experiences. See my work & get my free report, Get Your Website Done: 12 Actionable Steps for Designers.

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