How to Use Generosity In Your Marketing - Without Giving Everything Away

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When you have what you need, giving is easy.

I remember my grandmother used to give her things away all the time.

If you ever mentioned that you liked something of hers, she would hand it to you and say, “Take it - it’s yours.”

And I find myself doing that, too, as I get older.

But you don’t have to be “old” to be generous, right?

Our ability to give - in our businesses and in our lives - really comes down to our own quality of life and the mindset we have day-to-day.

Generosity is one of the most powerful marketing tools we have.

And when I say “generosity,” I don’t mean giving anything away for free.

It’s the mindset with which you approach your business – and your life.

And it starts with the genuine question: How can I help you?

It includes sharing your ideas without pitching.

Pitching is about you. It’s asking for and expecting something. That can feel uncomfortable.

Offering help is about the person you’re reaching out to and giving them something without expectation. That feels great actually!

It’s your genuine intention that determines whether or not it comes across as a “pitch.”

And if you are genuinely interested in helping someone - when you have a generosity mindset - people can really feel it!

Watch me explain and share more musings on the topic of “giving” in the “Best Bits” from this month’s Office Hours for the Simplest Marketing Plan:

Want to join our live Office Hours each month? Grab the Simplest Marketing Plan for 2025 and get invited to every single one next year!

And then take a look at this beautiful drawing that Antonio Meza made to illustrate our Office Hours session with his generous skills…


That's all for today. Thanks for reading!

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